I just moved past the game's second big plot development, so let's have an early report.

...It's no longer looking at Jenova. The planet, that is. That's supposed to be a Clock Tower reference, but it's neither recognizable nor relevant, so never mind.

The Clue Crew series on Giant Bomb does not exactly speak to the technical chops of the Nancy Drew PC games, but the sunny San Francisco setting and lite-horror tinge - plus the game's short length and low-ish price - compelled me to give Message in a Haunted Mansion a low-expectations, nostalgia-driven spin. I've been down with the Drew since The Broken Anchor and have considerable tolerance for jank, but MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN is that interface rough - and the supporting cast is almost as abrasive, so I don't know if I'll be continuing. I appreciated the humor in this insurance document, though.

I thought I recognized Eriko Christy in Nancy's voice.

OK, I've reached the entire of Disc 1, so this update has a lot of ground to cover - a bunch of meandering sandwiched between two spates of actual things happening. From which I'm grateful, since as I started this stretch, I couldn't help but realize that I had played FIFTEEN HOURS of this game and there was STILL no plot.

Amen, Barret.

I just read FF7 Remake spoilers, and I learned of The Thing. OH, MAN. The original and I are not exactly hitting it off, but I have deep sympathy for the FF7 fans out there expecting this game to sink the two-inch tee shot it had lined up and fulfill a long-held community dream.